What do we provide?
Birth - 3 Years
Our daycare room provides care for a maximum of 8 children at any one time. Skilled practitioners build relationships and provide support for families in a warm friendly homely environment. Experiences are followed considering birth to three guidance and we aim to promote confidence, self assurance and a sense of belonging. Learning experiences are tailored to develop skills in communication health and wellbeing and regular daily access to outdoors. We share our learning with parents at home .
Early Years
Our class accommodates 10 children at any one time providing a unique small environment tailored to your childs individual needs. We work in partnership with North Ayrshire council and provide 1140 hours full year care and education. Our skilled practitioners follow guidance from curriculum for excellence and promote partnership working with parents and other agencies. We encourage and develop an inclusive setting where everyone learns together in class at home and in the community.
Our aftercare provision is based in the adjacent local primary school and accommodates 32 children aged 5 years to 12 years at any one time. Our skilled practitioners follow guidance from schools out and play work principles. When it comes to planning activities childrens rights and responsibilities are considered. Our children make choices plan engaging experiences which promote health and wellbeing, team building and outdoor learning. However at this time the school services remains closed due to the pandemic, this information will be updated as new information becomes available in August 2022
About Us
Whitehirst Park Nursery offers care to children aged between birth and twelve years.
The manager Alison Carr and staff work very effectively as a team.
All staff are fully qualified, PVG scheme members and fully registered with the Scottish Social Services Council.
The manager has a degree in BA Childhood Practice and continues to work with staff to encourage very positive relationships and interactions with children in a small homely environment. We promote opportunities for outdoor play on a daily basis and make very good use of our garden to extend the childrens learning.
There are two rooms within the centre. The Sunshine Room accommodates children, birth to three years. The Busy Bee Room accommodates children three to five years. The centre also works in partnership with North Ayrshire Council to provide government funded nursery places for 2 - 5 year olds.
The service operates afterschool care facility in the ajacent Whitehirst Park Primary School for children ages 5 - 12 years.
- £45.00 8AM - 5PM
- £15.00 Afterschool Care